The lake effect machine has finally kicked on here in the Keweenaw. There is no better time than now to get out and play with friends and family. Don’t have equipment? Not to worry, Cross Country Sports has cross country ski, snowshoe, and snow bike rentals available! Stop in and we can get you out on the trail with the right equipment and adventure recommendations for an adventure off the beaten path.
Remember all of our local trail systems exist due to the hard work of dedicated volunteer groups and thanks to a few paid employees. Great grooming costs money and equipment, parts, tools, and labor are necessary to keep trails in shape. You can support the systems by dropping money in the trailhead donation pipe or by purchasing a season pass for your favorite system or multiple systems. We have passes available in the store or you can buy online at Trail use is guided by the honor system as there are not trail police chasing you down checking your credentials (or are there….) Please pay to play.