For the month of October, Cross Country Sports will feature cycling photos and posters by Chris Schmidt. Chris’s obsession with bicycles began at a young age, initially, as a way to get around to see friends and commute to school and part-time jobs, later as a way to push himself, compete and escape. Gradually, his passion for bicycle racing merged with an interest in photography and graphics. As a result, he’s spent less time racing and more time shooting and chasing races over the past several years, always trying to capture the emotions, speed and sheer beauty of bike racing.
In addition to shooting races, Schmidt has been creating race posters, stickers, t-shirts and other various forms of cycling propaganda for almost as long as he’s been riding. Though short-lived by nature, the race posters have managed to attract enough attention over the years to allow him to offer graphic design services.

The photos and posters on display at Cross Country Sports during October are a collection cycling images captured during all four seasons over the past several years. Join us for an open house on Friday, October 2 from 6-9pm for refreshments and a chance to talk to Chris about his work.