It could be a snowy or a sunny bike to work week; either way, there are plenty of bikers and new bikers who will be taking to the pedals and pushing their way to work! Stay tuned for more details.
Here are a few of the events for the week:
- Ride your bike to work, school, or on an errand.
- Repeat Monday’s activity!
- BIKE Initiative Keweenaw monthly meeting ( email info@bikeinitia
tivekeweenaw.or g or check back here for more details.) - Group ride with the Red Jacket Cycling Club (info also forthcoming)
- National Ride of Silence (
- Cross Country Sports Group Ride! 6:30pm location TBD
- Houghton MI Bike Committee meeting (7:30am-8:30am at City of Houghton City Center, 616 Shelden Ave, Houghton, MI 49931, USA)
- National Bike to Work Day!
- Multiple aid stations, details and map forthcoming!
Saturday – The rest of your life
- Look for group rides, make your own group ride with friends, and park your bike within sight of your front door to remind yourself to take advantage of the beautiful place you live in and experience it with your own two wheels!
- Cross Country Sports hosts group rides on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Stop in the shop and meet a new biking buddy too. Get out there, do some good for your health, and have fun 🙂