Meet at the shop for a 6:30pm start to our first group ride of the year! Some of the CCS race team members will lead a fast group, and others will lead a more leisurely ride. For those of you who are new to group rides, read on for a few tips and what to expect!
Pace: The whole group will break into several smaller groups based on your skill, distance of ride, and how hard you want to ride.
Etiquette and Skills: Stay close to the person in front of you to avoid an “accordion” spread to the line of bikers, but far enough away that that you could stop or change direction to avoid an obstacle or the next bike in front of you. The group will stop at major forks in the trail. Always be sure to communicate the direction of a turn to the person behind you. You can point or call out, “left!” for example. This is a no-drop ride, so be sure that you can see the person in front and behind you. We aren’t going to leave anyone in the woods!
Fashion: Helmets are always “in” and the trails require them. Other than head gear, wear whatever fashion suits you, but you may want to consider padded shorts/leggings, padded gloves, and a sweater to leave in your car or at the shop for afterward.
Food: You may want to bring a light snack for afterward, like an apple, energy bar, etc, and a bottle or two of water. We will have Rick’s favorite cookies and apple juice on hand after the ride while we stretch out and socialize.